پنجشنبه، تیر ۲۱، ۱۳۸۶

Web2ForDev: About Web 2.0

Web2ForDev: About Web 2.0: "About Web 2.0

Web 2.0 has become a buzz word in the last two years when talking, writing, and exchanging about Internet innovation. Free or low-cost interactive Web services designed to enhance online collaboration and sharing information are increasingly available to the public. This new dimension of innovative online services, where people collaborate and share information, where the consumer becomes the producer, has been termed Web 2.0.

Watch a popular YouTube video on Web evolution: The Machine is Us/ing Us

What is Web 2.0?

“Essentially, the Web is shifting from an international library of interlinked pages to an information ecosystem, where data circulate like nutrients in a rain forest”

Steven Johnson, Emerging Technology, Discover Magazine, 2005

Whereas Web 1.0 is largely static and focuses on information dissemination with the flow of content moving unilaterally from the producer to the consumer, Web 2.0 is based on user centered applications that promote communication, user empowerment, collaboration and social networking.

Amidst the ongoing discussions regarding the exact definition of Web 2.0, one could state that it describes a perceived shift in online behavior and available online applications and services, which focus heavily on collaboration and sharing. A Web 2.0 Web site may include a number of the following techniques"
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